Motorola pushed out Android Lollipop aka Android 5 update to all Moto G phones in India on Friday. The update gives Moto G users new interface and new features. So, how can you update the phone to the Android Lollipop?
Here are the steps to do it:
For Moto G (2nd gen) aka Moto G launched in 2014
-- You will see a notification for the system update on your phone. Tap on the notification and follow the process.
-- If you don't get the notification, go to Settings.
-- Click on About Phone.
-- Click on System Update.
-- Click on check for updates.
-- The phone will check for the update. Most likely the Lollipop update would be available. Though if it is not, check again in a few hours because Motorola is rolling out the update in phases.
-- If the update is available download it and then install it. Follow the onscreen instructions for it.
For Moto G (1st gen) aka Moto G launched in 2013
-- Make sure you have Motorola Update Services installed on your phone. If not, install it from here.
-- Make sure the Motorola Update Services is updated to the latest version. You can check it by going into the Play store.
-- If the Motorola Update Services is updated to the latest version, you will get a notification for the Android Lollipop update. Tap on it and then follow the onscreen instructions.
-- If you don't get the notification, go to Settings.
-- In Settings, go to About Phone and then tap on System Updates.
-- The phone will check for the update. If it is available, download and install it. Follow the onscreen instructions to do it.
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